Change Greetings on
From the web, you can directly record, assign, or update your voicemail greeting. See the instructions below to learn more.
Change your greeting online
- Click on Greetings on the left-hand side.
- Select the option Greeting Summary.
- Once you select Greeting Summary you should see the following options.
- From here you can edit your Smart greeting, record a new greeting or change the greeting to an existing prerecorded message. Feel free to also search our library of community greetings to add and use them on your account.
Assign a Greeting
- Click on Greetings on the left-hand side.
- Select the option All Greetings.
- Select the greeting you want to assign to a contact.
- Choose Select Contacts at the bottom of the greeting info page.
- Please note: Your contacts must be uploaded to YouMail in order to assign them a specific greeting. Follow this link for information on adding your contacts.
Interested in getting a Professional Recording done by our voice talent? Upgrade to YouMail Professional to have one recorded.

See Also:
Smart Greetings
How to Create a Custom Voice Greeting
Professional Smart Greeting - Requests and Pronunciations
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