Need help with adding a payment card to your account? This article will assist you in getting this resolved. In order to update the payment method, please follow the instructions below:
Adding a Payment Method to Your Account
1. Go to and log in to your YouMail Account.
2. In the top right hand corner, select your name and then click on "Billing".
3. Select the button Update Billing Information. If you are adding a new card to the account, you will select Add Card. This can also be done to switch from PayPal to a Debit / Credit method. You cannot switch from Credit to PayPal.
4. Hit Save when done to complete the process.
Updating / Removing an Existing Payment Method
If you have recently gotten a new credit card or need to reprocess a failed payment the instructions below will assist you in having this done.
1. Select the Update Billing Information button and then select Remove Card.
2. Once the card has been successfully removed, you can select the Add Card option to either enter new card information or re-enter the original card info to have the failed payment reprocessed.
If your payment is still unable to be successfully processed, please reach out to support ASAP. Chances are you will also need to reach out to your bank / card issuer and let them know that you are having issues as well.
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