Create your personalized greeting
A good voicemail greeting is short and professional, lets people know that you’ll get back to them, and invites callers to continue engaging with a call-to-action. You should also show your personality if you’re in an industry or role that allows that. You can get a professional voicemail greeting for your company phone, immediately engaging callers and setting the tone for their interaction with your company. This greeting can serve as a welcome message as well as a directory of additional lines.
- Please know this is not a professionally recorded greeting. A professionally recorded greeting takes about 7 days. This is the alternative option if you do not want to wait for a real recorded voice.
- These are pre-recorded voices and so you must include commas and periods to make the voice sound as fluent as possible.
- If you are using this greeting for Auto-Attendant, please know you must include the menu options in the greeting. The connect phrases will only work with the Smart Pro Recording option.
- Make sure Auto-Attendant is turned off to find this greeting option.
Login to YouMail and go to the Dashboard
- Go to and then sign-in
- Make your way to the Greetings drop-down menu
- Select Greeting Summary
- Scroll down to Voice Greeting
- Select Create Greeting
Create a Voice Greeting
- Select the drop-down menu under Voice to select the voice of your choice
- Under Style you can leave it as is
- Type in the greeting of your choice and then select Play to hear the greeting
- Once you are satisfied with your greeting select Save
See Also:
How to Set Up Auto-Attendant
How to Assign or Change Greetings on
How to Request a Custom Professionally Recorded Greeting
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