Welcome to YouMail!
YouMail replaces your visual voicemail with an award-winning automated system and lots of FREE features.** See the benefits of using YouMail vs your carrier voicemail:
Checking Voicemail:
YouMail offers many ways to check your voicemail messages. You can dial in to listen, access the website, and you can use the YouMail app on any phone, tablet or computer as long as you have internet access.
Personal Greetings:
Customize your caller's experience. You can assign a personalized greeting for any contact if you like. Perfect for people who want to give friends and family a greeting that only they can hear.
We also offer “Professionally Recorded Greetings*” with a real recording artist. It’s included in our YouMail Professional plans.
Call Protection (from spam calls): YouMail is the best way to get rid of unwanted robocalls, scammers and telemarketers. Once YouMail replaces your carrier voicemail, our technology determines whether the call is a robocaller and then automatically suppresses their ring and protects your inbox from them. Blocked contacts and callers you reported as spam will always hear the number out of service greeting.
Alerts: Choose how you get notified of new voicemail messages via push notification, email, or SMS*.
Need to have the conference call* recorded or transcribed for easy reporting and archiving? That feature is included in YouMail Professional!
Reverse Phone Lookup: Find out who’s calling by looking up the number on YouMail’s reverse phone lookup directory for any number in the US or Canada – landline, mobile, business or person.
Looking up the number in the directory will help you learn a caller’s name, business, location, and even view a photo ID or website link if it is available.
You can also check out our national phone lookup directory, where you can search for any phone number.
Auto-Reply*: Auto-Reply is an easy way to let your callers know that you received their voicemail (or missed call) by sending an automatic text or email. You can decide who gets an Auto-Reply, how often they receive one, and even customize the message they receive.
Voicemail Transcriptions: By reading your voicemail, you can save time by skimming the contents of message so you easily determine what is important in a fraction of the time.
Adding a home/work line*: Consolidate your voicemail by adding multiple lines to one account. Perfect for the person who hates checking or managing their landline or work phone voicemail.
Auto-Forwarding*: YouMail will automatically forward any unanswered voicemail messages to your email as a reminder or directly to your assistant, so they can follow up after a certain period of time.
Auto-Attendant*: Set up multiple extensions at the end of your voicemail. This allows callers to leave a message or they can dial an extension to directly reach your assistant, the main office, or even the sales department at the click of a button.
See Also:
What's Included in the YouMail Essentials Plan?
Compare YouMail's Professional Subscription Plans
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