YouMail and your Inbox
So you've recently downloaded YouMail and are a bit surprised to find that your voicemail messages are suddenly not going to your carrier. This is because YouMail - in addition to spam-blocking, ringer protection, and mailbox protection - is also a voicemail service. With YouMail, you get access to a plethora of voicemail options (contact-greeting customization, greeting contacts by their names, group greetings, and so much more!), all while getting monthly transcriptions emailed to you.
As a reminder, when you activate your account, your carrier is asked to forward your missed/unanswered calls to your YouMail inbox, letting you customize your protection and voicemail settings for those calls.
Are you looking to return to your carrier's voicemail and are confused as to why your calls are still going to YouMail even after you uninstalled?
Is it possible that you may have forgotten to hit "return to carrier" in the app? This dials your carrier's call forwarding deactivation codes. Remember, since you dialed activation codes so that your carrier can forward your calls to YouMail, you also have to dial deactivation codes to forward them back to your carrier. Deleting the app just deletes the app, so you'll also need to deactivate.
To learn more about deactivating, check out our "How To Deactivate YouMail" Help Center article.
See Also:
What is Conditional Call Forwarding?
Why am I still getting SPAM calls?
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